Impact Report: Zuri and Danas Story

For the last three years, Base Ministry in Mexico and the US have seen amazing coaches come from Mexico to minister as a part of a team that serves local churches in the Pacific Northwest. This year, we had siblings Danna and Zuri as missionary coaches from Mexico.

They heard about the opportunity from Jonathan Peralta, the Director of Baso Ministerio in Mexico, and in early June, they headed up to Yakima, WA, for a week of training to be prepared to help serve other churches throughout the entire summer.

While in Yakima, they expressed trepidation about being sent out and given responsibility for teaching kids sports and sharing the Gospel with them. Especially Danna wanted us to go with them for the summer, but we knew they could do it!

They went to a different church for eight weeks and served the congregation, leaders, and community. These camps helped train 839 local leaders and reached 1775 children with the Gospel!

At the end of the summer, they could look back and see their impact on kids and leaders through the relationships they built.

What they (and those around them) have been most surprised by is the impact this summer has had on them!

We recently had a chance to sit down and talk with them and their entire family! Here are some of the things they said:

Dad (Jorge) - this has been somewhat of a miraculous change in their desire to serve, to lead in ministry and in their overall countenance. (Paraphrased)

Mom - We cannot believe the change in their attitude and willingness to serve (Paraphrased)

Danna and Zuri have continued to grow in their ability to serve the people arou\nd them. They returned to Mexico and joined Base Mexico as part of their core volunteer team! They are showing what it means to have active faith and live out what they believe.